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Elementary Classes
1st Grade
Abeka materials are used for reading, language arts, and history.
Guided Reading (leveled books) are also used for reading instruction.
ACSI materials are used for math and science.
2nd Grade
Abeka materials are used for reading, language arts, and history.
Author studies are also part of our reading program.
ACSI materials are used for math and science.
3rd-6th Grade
Bob Jones materials and novels are used for our reading program and language arts.
Abeka materials are used for history.
ACSI materials are used for math and science.
Elementary Extra-Curricular Activities
P.E. ~ three times per week
Computer ~ one time per week
Music~ one time per week
Library ~ one time per week
Art ~ one time per week
Teachers use a variety of materials and activities to encourage hands on learning. They integrate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities.
FBCS is using technology on a daily basis with students. Each student has a Chromebook to use in class.
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